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Suhag National Museum of Antiquities 1992-2008

it was designed to house a large and valuable collection of Antiquities discovered in Suhag. It resembled an ancient temple with its stepped terraces overlooking the Nile.

It is a living proof of the Dynamic and continuous nature of the Design process, as many modifications have been made to the design even through the different phases of construction to accommodate the changes occurring around it, the most influential being the change of the entrance from the street side to the Façade facing the Nile and the addition of a Marina to host visitors arriving at Suhag via newly extended Nile cruises.

New archaeological discoveries have also had their influential impact on the Design of the museum, as new findings of valuable coins have required a new mezzanine floor to display them. The excavation and restoration of a colossal statue has been another influence as well as a strongly anticipated dream, as the designers longed for such an addition to the main gallery with its gigantic height. A final addition that still has an impact to come is the discovery of evidence that the earliest writings ever, were present in Suhag, long before the formerly known Maesopotamian writings.

The interior of the museum has been carefully studied to house every individual piece of the antique collections.
State of the Art Antitheft systems and Fire detection equipment are employed, as well as a careful choice of weathering Materials for the exterior and rich adequate materials for the interior. The museum proves to be a true feat of contemporary Architecture and Engineering.

The museum stands as a clear landmark of Suhag situated gracefully on the eastern bank of the river Nile.

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