Housing Consulting Office

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Our Team

Our team consists of a number of Architects Structural, Civil and Electrical Engineers, working in both, Design and office work, as well as construction supervision.
An integral part of our team are the assisting consultants in various fields of Engineering, covering structural, civil and sanitary work, as well as Electromechanical, acoustics, HVAC and IT, only to name a few. They are all of the finest and best experienced consultancy offices in the field.

Technical consultants in different fields assisting the office covering the entire scope of buildings projects:

Structural Engineering:
- Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Helmy.
- Prof. Dr. Motafa Sowelam.
- Eng. Aly Yakout ( Concrete constructions + Ports).
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Helal Reyad.
- Arabic German Office Prof. Dr. Fawzy Arafa.
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim El Nagar ( Steel Constructions).
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Aly Barakat.
- Prof. Dr. Fahmy Fath El Bab.
- Prof. Dr. kamel Sayed Kandel.
Surveying & Transportation:
- Prof. Dr. Hassan Hemeda.
- Prof. Dr. Aly Abd Elmonem.
- Prof. Dr. Nabil Shokry.
- Prof. Dr. Mohmed Rashad.
- Prof. Dr. Fahmy Fath El Bab Office – Dr. Kamel Sayed Kandel.
- Prof. Dr. Ramadan Hussen.
Soil Mechanics & Foundations:
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Adel Barakat Office.
- Prof. Dr. Fathy Abd Raboh.
- Prof. Dr. Ahmed Deyab.
Testing of Materials:
- Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Darwesh.
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Tawfek Ayoub.
- Prof. Dr. Ahmed Deyab.
Sanitary Installation & Networks:
- Prof. Dr. Sadek El Adawy.
- Prof. Dr. Hamdy Abd El Aziz Seif.
- Prof. Dr. Medhat Abd El Aty.
- Engineering Office Dr. Omar El Refai.

Electrical Installation & Networks :
- Prof. Dr. Aly Refaat Hamdy Office (Power).
- Prof. Dr. Abd El Monem Mousa (Internal Conductions).
- Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hossam Eldin.
- Prof. Dr. Amr Elzawawy.
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shafik Abu Elela Office.
- Eng. Ibrahim Sheta.
- Eng. Mahmoud Abd El Naby
- Alexandria Consulting Office Prof. Dr. Ibrahim El Abd - Prof. Dr. Samir El Deghedy.
- EESCO Consulting Office for Electric systems Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abd Elmonem Elatar.
Mechanical Installation & HVAC:
- Prof. Dr. Abd El Fatah Ibrahim.
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shafik Abu Elela Office
- Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Basyouni.
- Prof. Dr. Ramadan Elsayed.

Communications & Accoustics:
- Prof. Dr. Onsy Abd El Aleem.
- United Engineering Office Eng. Magdy Abd Allah.

Fire detection & Fighting:
- Prof. Dr. Amr Elzawawy.
- Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Basyouni Office.
- Prof. Dr. Fouad Zein Office.

Information Technology:
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Magdy Nagy.
- Prof. Dr.Salah Selim.

- Prof. Dr. Mostafa Badr.
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Shafik.
- Prof. Dr. Alam Eldin Nouh.

Environmental Control:
- Prof. Dr. Inas Farouk Hamdy.

Measurements & Calibration:
- Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hany Abu Elnour.

Feasibility Studies:
Prof. Dr. Abd Elaziz Elsoudany

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