Housing Consulting Office

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Private Vacation House in Borg El Arab 2007 (Dr Said Gom’aa Residence)

It is a multi family house that is made of 5 square shaped cuboids that are deconstructed and repositioned to form a shifted formation of white boxes.

The project was nicknamed “Villa Savoye Revisited” with a clear reference to a deconstructed villa based on the Masterpiece of Le Corbusier.

The deconstructed white boxes smoothly shift and intersect to form a unique and memorable formation of additive forms. The interior design of the residence was done by the office to further integrate and reflect the outside in.

It is a true space saver, as the building is constructed on piloti and ramps to add additional garden space and a shaded swimming pool and barbecue area to the relatively small plot of land. The barbecue and the multiple fireplaces form the center and backbone of the structure. Unobstructed corner windows provide an exceptional panoramic viewing experience to most of the spaces.

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