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Pharos Language Schools

A language school situated near Alexandria's southern ring road. The building was designed with a sense of detail with nostalgic references made to trademarks of classical educational facilities. This is all done from a purely functional perspective, as the office takes pride in never using ornament for the sake beauty. Everything has to have a justifiable function. The bell and clock tower was mainly used to draw visual attention to the school buildings from the nearby ring road, while acting as a landmark for the surrounding rapidly developing community.

Every part of the school was designed according to the highest educational standards with different visual aspects and features to reflect the usage and age group. Building and open space scale was a major feature of this project, as diversely sized buildings were reflected in their internal and surrounding open spaces.

The project is said to have set a standard for school design that went out of the ordinary and stood out, and newer developments had to comply and follow out of the stereotypical school designs, that ruled for several decades.

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